“House of Menander” in Mytilene

In Archaic times, the part of the land opposite the island of the city of Mytilene, west of the bank of Euripos, was extensively used as a cemetery. During the early Hellenistic period, when the expansion of the city outside the boundaries of the small natural...

Roman Villa in Mytilene

Between 1994 and 1996, during the technical and excavation works for the construction of the 3rd Kindergarten of Mytilene, at the junction of Agioritou Panselinou and Achilliou Streets in Mytilene, a luxurious private house/villa came to light that dates back to Roman...

Late Roman Building in Mytilene

The so-called “late Roman building” in Mytilene is located in the heart of the city and more specifically, in Patriarchou Kirillou Street, in the courtyard of the St. Athanasios Cathedral. In ancient times, the location corresponded to the southern part of...

Roman Aqueduct of Mytilene

For the beauty and splendour of Mytilene in Roman times -which was comparable to that of Rhodes and Ephesus- we are informed by the written sources and the literary testimonies of the period, as they are preserved through the work of the ancient writers (Horace, Odes:...
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