1437 AD

Lesvos, after many raids and divisions, becomes a “tributary” to Sultan Murat I.

1373 AD

Reconstruction of the castle of Mithymna by Francis I Gatelouzo.

1355 – 1462 AD

The Ovriokastro of Andissa was reinforced by the Gatelouzians under their rule in Lesbos.

1355 – 1462 AD

Mytilene Castle is subject to drastic interventions, mainly by the Genoese house of Gatelouzi, thus acquiring its present form.

1355 AD

The Genoese Francis Gatelouzos marries the sister of John V Palaiologos, Maria, with administrative rights on Mytilene as dowry, setting up an independent state, later to be extended over the whole island, also including Thasos, Samothrace and Lemnos.
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